Feb 20, 2011

[2PM-showcase] with Fans' support, 2PM chase an additional showcase in Japan Nationalwise Tour this May

2PM, 팬 성원에 5월 日전국투어 공연 1회 추가
머니투데이 박영웅 기자 기자의 다른 기사보기
입력 : 2011.02.20 10:40

그룹 2PM ⓒ류승희 인턴기자


*****************Summary and English translation by blog owner************************

Idol Group 2PM Japan Tour gained great interestings from domestic fans. 

Coming this May, 2PM to turn over  'Zepp Tour' and go on full-fledged activities in Japan.  'Zepp tour '  5 major cities in Japan. 

According to recent official website of 2PMJapan, to meet more fans, they will chase a showcase on May 12 to accommodate 5,000 fans at the Tokyo International Forum Hall A. 

Prior to the 2PM showcases,  coming this March 30, the first live DVD will be released in Japan, with the title '2 PM 1st Concert in SEOUL '  'DON'T STOP CAN'T STOP'. 

The live footage on DVD last September, 2PM 1st solo concert, and will perform an encore on this Japan special edition "Thank U" music video. 

2PM showcase won the great success last December, attaracted 22,000 fans, that is the best record for Korean Singers debut in Japan. 

2PM the first half of the Japanese broadcast and promotion has to go on full-scale promotional activities. Japanese music industry - Sony Music is planning to hand a massive publicity through 2PM surprise activities and events for fans. 

[DISC1/DVD] 'Without U', 'Heartbeat', 'Again'  scheduled recording again, ttl  21 songs, about 100 minutes.
[DISC2/DVD]-back stage video up scheduled recording approximately 40 minutes. ※ Limited Edition only